Nishi 88f3bf7750 add ServerRoot
git-svn-id: file:///raid/svn-personal/tewi/trunk@61 8739d7e6-ffea-ec47-b151-bdff447c6205
2024-09-18 12:45:02 +00:00

356 lines
9.8 KiB

/* $Id$ */
#define SOURCE
#include "tw_config.h"
#include "tw_module.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef __MINGW32__
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <cm_string.h>
#include <cm_log.h>
struct tw_config config;
struct tw_config_entry* tw_vhost_match(const char* name, int port) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < config.vhost_count; i++) {
if(strcmp(config.vhosts[i].name, name) == 0 && (config.vhosts[i].port == -1 ? 1 : config.vhosts[i].port == port)) {
return &config.vhosts[i];
return &config.root;
bool tw_permission_allowed(const char* path, SOCKADDR addr, struct tw_http_request req, struct tw_config_entry* vhost) {
int i;
bool found = false;
bool pathstart = false;
bool perm = false;
for(i = 0; i < vhost->dir_count; i++) {
struct tw_dir_entry* e = &vhost->dirs[i];
pathstart = false;
if(strlen(path) >= strlen(e->dir)) {
pathstart = true;
int j;
for(j = 0; path[j] != 0 && e->dir[j] != 0; j++) {
if(path[j] != e->dir[j]) {
pathstart = false;
char* noslash = cm_strdup(e->dir);
noslash[strlen(noslash) - 1] = 0;
if(strcmp(e->dir, path) == 0 || strcmp(noslash, path) == 0 || pathstart) {
found = true;
if(strcmp(e->name, "all") == 0) {
perm = e->type == TW_DIR_ALLOW;
if(!found && vhost != &config.root) {
vhost = &config.root;
goto again;
return perm;
void tw_config_init(void) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < MAX_PORTS + 1; i++) {
config.ports[i] = -1;
for(i = 0; i < MAX_VHOSTS; i++) {
config.vhosts[i].sslkey = NULL;
config.vhosts[i].sslcert = NULL;
config.vhosts[i].root = NULL;
config.root.sslkey = NULL;
config.root.sslcert = NULL;
config.root.root = NULL;
config.root.mime_count = 0;
config.root.dir_count = 0;
config.root.icon_count = 0;
config.root.index_count = 0;
config.root.readme_count = 0;
config.vhost_count = 0;
config.module_count = 0;
config.extension = NULL;
config.server_root = cm_strdup(PREFIX);
gethostname(config.hostname, 1024);
int tw_config_read(const char* path) {
cm_log("Config", "Reading %s", path);
char cbuf[2];
cbuf[1] = 0;
int ln = 0;
FILE* f = fopen(path, "r");
if(f != NULL) {
char* line = malloc(1);
line[0] = 0;
int stop = 0;
struct tw_config_entry* current = &config.root;
char* vhost = NULL;
char* dir = NULL;
while(stop == 0) {
int c = fread(cbuf, 1, 1, f);
if(cbuf[0] == '\n' || c <= 0) {
char* l = cm_trim(line);
if(strlen(l) > 0 && l[0] != '#') {
char** r = cm_split(l, " \t");
int i;
if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "Include") || cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "IncludeOptional")) {
for(i = 1; r[i] != NULL; i++) {
if(tw_config_read(r[i]) != 0 && cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "Include")) {
stop = 1;
} else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "BeginDirectory")) {
if(dir != NULL) {
cm_log("Config", "Already in directory section at line %d", ln);
stop = 1;
} else {
if(r[1] == NULL) {
cm_log("Config", "Missing directory at line %d", ln);
stop = 1;
} else {
dir = cm_strcat(r[1], r[1][strlen(r[1]) - 1] == '/' ? "" : "/");
} else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "EndDirectory")) {
if(dir == NULL) {
cm_log("Config", "Not in directory section at line %d", ln);
stop = 1;
} else {
dir = NULL;
} else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "Allow")) {
if(dir == NULL) {
cm_log("Config", "Not in directory section at line %d", ln);
stop = 1;
} else {
if(r[1] == NULL) {
cm_log("Config", "Missing argument at line %d", ln);
stop = 1;
} else {
struct tw_dir_entry* e = &current->dirs[current->dir_count++];
e->name = cm_strdup(r[1]);
e->dir = cm_strdup(dir);
e->type = TW_DIR_ALLOW;
} else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "Deny")) {
if(dir == NULL) {
cm_log("Config", "Not in directory section at line %d", ln);
stop = 1;
} else {
if(r[1] == NULL) {
cm_log("Config", "Missing argument at line %d", ln);
stop = 1;
} else {
struct tw_dir_entry* e = &current->dirs[current->dir_count++];
e->name = cm_strdup(r[1]);
e->dir = cm_strdup(dir);
e->type = TW_DIR_DENY;
} else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "BeginVirtualHost")) {
if(vhost != NULL) {
cm_log("Config", "Already in virtual host section at line %d", ln);
stop = 1;
} else {
if(r[1] == NULL) {
cm_log("Config", "Missing virtual host at line %d", ln);
stop = 1;
} else {
vhost = cm_strdup(r[1]);
current = &config.vhosts[config.vhost_count++];
current->dir_count = 0;
current->mime_count = 0;
current->icon_count = 0;
current->index_count = 0;
current->readme_count = 0;
int i;
current->name = cm_strdup(vhost);
current->port = -1;
for(i = 0; vhost[i] != 0; i++) {
if(vhost[i] == ':') {
current->name[i] = 0;
current->port = atoi(current->name + i + 1);
} else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "EndVirtualHost")) {
if(vhost == NULL) {
cm_log("Config", "Not in virtual host section at line %d", ln);
stop = 1;
} else {
vhost = NULL;
current = &config.root;
} else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "Listen") || cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "ListenSSL")) {
for(i = 1; r[i] != NULL; i++) {
uint64_t port = atoi(r[i]);
cm_log("Config", "Going to listen at port %d%s", (int)port, cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "ListenSSL") ? " with SSL" : "");
if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "ListenSSL")) port |= (1ULL << 32);
int j;
for(j = 0; config.ports[j] != -1; j++)
config.ports[j] = port;
} else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "SSLKey")) {
if(r[1] == NULL) {
cm_log("Config", "Missing path at line %d", ln);
stop = 1;
} else {
if(current->sslkey != NULL) free(current->sslkey);
current->sslkey = cm_strdup(r[1]);
} else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "SSLCertificate")) {
if(r[1] == NULL) {
cm_log("Config", "Missing path at line %d", ln);
stop = 1;
} else {
if(current->sslcert != NULL) free(current->sslcert);
current->sslcert = cm_strdup(r[1]);
} else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "ServerRoot")) {
if(r[1] == NULL) {
cm_log("Config", "Missing path at line %d", ln);
stop = 1;
} else {
} else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "DocumentRoot")) {
if(r[1] == NULL) {
cm_log("Config", "Missing path at line %d", ln);
stop = 1;
} else {
if(current->root != NULL) free(current->root);
current->root = cm_strdup(strcmp(r[1], "/") == 0 ? "" : r[1]);
} else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "ServerRoot")) {
if(r[1] == NULL) {
cm_log("Config", "Missing path at line %d", ln);
stop = 1;
} else {
if(config.server_root != NULL) free(config.server_root);
config.server_root = cm_strdup(r[1]);
} else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "MIMEType")) {
if(r[1] == NULL) {
cm_log("Config", "Missing extension at line %d", ln);
stop = 1;
} else if(r[2] == NULL) {
cm_log("Config", "Missing MIME at line %d", ln);
stop = 1;
} else {
struct tw_mime_entry* e = &current->mimes[current->mime_count++];
e->ext = cm_strdup(r[1]);
e->mime = cm_strdup(r[2]);
} else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "Icon")) {
if(r[1] == NULL) {
cm_log("Config", "Missing MIME at line %d", ln);
stop = 1;
} else if(r[2] == NULL) {
cm_log("Config", "Missing path at line %d", ln);
stop = 1;
} else {
struct tw_icon_entry* e = &current->icons[current->icon_count++];
e->mime = cm_strdup(r[1]);
e->icon = cm_strdup(r[2]);
} else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "LoadModule")) {
for(i = 1; r[i] != NULL; i++) {
void* mod = tw_module_load(r[i]);
if(mod != NULL) {
config.modules[config.module_count++] = mod;
if(tw_module_init(mod) != 0) {
stop = 1;
} else {
stop = 1;
} else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "DirectoryIndex")) {
for(i = 1; r[i] != NULL; i++) {
current->indexes[current->index_count++] = cm_strdup(r[i]);
} else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "Readme")) {
for(i = 1; r[i] != NULL; i++) {
current->readmes[current->readme_count++] = cm_strdup(r[i]);
} else {
stop = 1;
if(r[0] != NULL) {
int argc;
for(argc = 0; r[argc] != NULL; argc++)
stop = 0;
int i;
bool called = false;
struct tw_tool tools;
for(i = 0; i < config.module_count; i++) {
tw_mod_config_t mod_config = (tw_mod_config_t)tw_module_symbol(config.modules[i], "mod_config");
int resp;
if(mod_config != NULL && (resp = mod_config(&tools, r, argc)) == TW_CONFIG_PARSED) {
called = true;
if(resp == TW_CONFIG_ERROR) {
stop = 1;
called = true;
if(!called) {
cm_log("Config", "Unknown directive `%s' at line %d", r[0], ln);
stop = 1;
for(i = 0; r[i] != NULL; i++) free(r[i]);
line = malloc(1);
line[0] = 0;
if(c <= 0) break;
} else if(cbuf[0] != '\r') {
char* tmp = line;
line = cm_strcat(tmp, cbuf);
return stop;
} else {
cm_log("Config", "Could not open the file");
return 1;