
NameDescriptionOwnerLast commit
0x0a[ABANDONED] A fork of 0x0.st that serves no purpose Izuru Yakumo2023.05.19 19:21
akyuuThe twtxt server that never forgets Izuru Yakumo2024.04.12 00:41
ayaThe fastest static site generator Izuru Yakumo2024.04.03 23:17
chaoticmailThe mail server setup used at chaotic.ninja -- use at your own risk Izuru Yakumo2024.03.10 14:06
chenXMPP bot to preview links and file contents. Ran Yakumo's shikigami Izuru Yakumo2024.04.02 01:22
dehydrated-njallaJust add water? I'd add more gunpowder then water Izuru Yakumo2024.02.17 11:45
freebsd-portsPersonal collection of ports for FreeBSD Izuru Yakumo2024.03.26 14:56
git-crapLet's git(1) some free crap! Izuru Yakumo2023.05.28 02:41
git-send-ircSee git-send-email on how *not* to do things, IRC is the way, and always will be Izuru Yakumo2024.03.28 16:52
hatateNo CVS? No need to! Generate OpenCVS-style headers for your files Izuru Yakumo2023.10.25 16:51
is-okAre you OK? NPM package Izuru Yakumo2024.02.09 20:43
jsmtpWhat if msmtp(1) was in shell script, stripped of all its features, and used curl(1)? Izuru Yakumo2023.04.08 02:05
kanakoThe adaptable password manager Izuru Yakumo2023.10.25 01:52
keineA were-hakutaku that can erase and rewrite history (or in this case, messages) Izuru Yakumo2024.02.21 22:34
kill-9The revenge of the K.I.L.L. Izuru Yakumo2024.03.24 23:24
kogasa[ABANDONED] The forgotten 0x0.st client Izuru Yakumo2023.06.09 03:27
kyokodnsA custom build of CoreDNS running on chaotic.ninja Izuru Yakumo2024.02.15 12:47
logarionDiscover, collect, and exchange texts Izuru Yakumo2024.04.01 15:49
maiA (yet another) frontend for Google Translate, LibreTranslate, etc Izuru Yakumo2024.02.12 02:42
marisaI borrow your files until they expire! Izuru Yakumo2024.02.11 02:33
menumakerMenu generator for window managers Izuru Yakumo2023.11.08 02:34
mimaWho said that an evil spirit couldn't possess your computer? Izuru Yakumo2024.01.14 21:15
misskey-cliAn unofficial CLI for Misskey Izuru Yakumo2023.10.01 13:32
mizuchiI got your IP Izuru Yakumo2023.10.09 23:13
posix-sh-toolsCollection of shell scripts Izuru Yakumo2023.11.21 02:42
postmill-senkaiFork of Postmill used at Senkai Izuru Yakumo2024.04.06 11:32
rinMail assistant Izuru Yakumo2023.04.08 00:26
rumia[ABANDONED] I eat your links! Izuru Yakumo2023.05.06 13:40
setnet[ABANDONED] Configure network interfaces using a TUI Izuru Yakumo2021.09.13 00:25
shatteredif [ "$(uname -s)" = "Windows" ]; then "KABOOM" fi Izuru Yakumo2024.03.19 01:23
stagit-chaoticInsane tomfoolery for stagit used at chaotic.ninja Izuru Yakumo2024.02.17 13:34
stagitStatic git page generator (HTML 4.01 version) Izuru Yakumo2024.02.15 14:46
suikaA drunk IRC bouncer Izuru Yakumo2024.03.03 00:40
suwakoCommand-line for Mai and co. Izuru Yakumo2024.02.10 11:39
text-parse-mlApplicative text parsing library for OCaml Izuru Yakumo2024.02.09 21:02
tokikoBarebones gopher daemon Izuru Yakumo2024.04.04 17:52
toyohimeLibrary and CLI for hosting Go module URLs Izuru Yakumo2024.02.10 01:39
undefined.cssEldritch abomination of a cascading style sheet Izuru Yakumo2024.02.20 23:21
xdg-crapXDG is useless Izuru Yakumo2023.11.03 02:01
yukariA practical way to use gaps on the Web Izuru Yakumo2024.03.26 17:38
yuukaA wttr.in client Izuru Yakumo2023.05.29 22:44

によって生成されます: stagit八雲支店