]> Git repositories of Nishi - docgen.git/commitdiff
authorNishi <nishi@nishi.boats>
Mon, 30 Sep 2024 05:05:58 +0000 (05:05 +0000)
committerNishi <nishi@nishi.boats>
Mon, 30 Sep 2024 05:05:58 +0000 (05:05 +0000)
git-svn-id: file:///raid/svn-personal/docgen/trunk@1 44bc13e5-44cb-984e-b856-1907bf1ada44

README [new file with mode: 0644]
docgen [new file with mode: 0755]
example/docgen.conf [new file with mode: 0644]
example/icon.png [new file with mode: 0644]
example/input/getstarted/index.md [new file with mode: 0644]
example/input/getstarted2/getstarted3/index.md [new file with mode: 0644]
example/input/getstarted2/index.md [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bfa9e9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This is docgen - Document generator
diff --git a/docgen b/docgen
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..95e4635
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docgen
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
+# $Id$
+set DOCGEN_VERSION "1.00"
+set INPUT "docgen.conf"
+foreach arg $argv {
+       if { [string range "$arg" 0 0] == "-" } {
+               if { "$arg" == "-V" } {
+                       puts "Docgen version $DOCGEN_VERSION"
+                       exit 0
+               } else {
+                       puts "Invalid option: $arg"
+                       exit 1
+               }
+       } else {
+               set INPUT "$arg"
+       }
+if { ![file exists "$INPUT"] } {
+       puts "Config $INPUT does not exist"
+       exit 1
+set input_directory ""
+set output_directory ""
+set title ""
+set icon ""
+set footer ""
+set links ""
+source "$INPUT"
+if { "$input_directory" == "" } {
+       puts "Set input_directory"
+       exit 1
+if { "$output_directory" == "" } {
+       puts "Set output_directory"
+       exit 1
+if { "$title" == "" } {
+       puts "Set title"
+       exit 1
+if { "$icon" != "" && ![file exists "$icon"] } {
+       puts "Icon $icon does not exist"
+       exit 1
+if { "$links" != "" } {
+       set links " | $links"
+set genre_list {}
+puts "Docgen version $DOCGEN_VERSION"
+proc start_html {fid title toc dots} {
+       global links
+       puts $fid "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\">"
+       puts $fid "<html>"
+       puts $fid "     <head>"
+       puts $fid "             <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=UTF-8\">"
+       puts $fid "             <title>$title</title>"
+       puts $fid "             <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"$dots/style.css\">"
+       puts $fid "     </head>"
+       puts $fid "     </body>"
+       puts $fid "             <div id=\"title\">$title</div>"
+       puts $fid "             <a href=\"$dots\">Root</a>$links"
+       puts $fid "             <div id=\"doc\">"
+       if { "$toc" != "" } {
+               puts $fid "                     <div style=\"clear: both;\"></div>"
+               puts $fid "                     <div id=\"toc\">"
+               puts $fid "                             <div id=\"tocinside\">"
+               puts $fid "                                     $toc"
+               puts $fid "                             </div>"
+               puts $fid "                     </div>"
+               puts $fid "                     <div id=\"docinside\">"
+       }
+proc end_html {fid} {
+       global footer
+       puts $fid "                     </div>"
+       puts $fid "             </div>"
+       if { "$footer" != "" } {
+               puts $fid "             <hr>"
+               puts $fid "             $footer"
+       }
+       puts $fid "     </body>"
+       puts $fid "</html>"
+proc parse_markdown {path _result} {
+       global title icon
+       upvar $_result result
+       set result(title) "$title"
+       set result(body) ""
+       set result(toc) ""
+       set result(genre) ""
+       set fid [open "$path" "r"]
+       set blank 0
+       set has_h2 0
+       set codeblock ""
+       set code ""
+       while { [gets $fid line] >= 0} {
+               while 1 {
+                       if { $codeblock != "" } {
+                               if { [regexp -- {```} "$line"] } {
+                                       set hl ""
+                                       if { "$codeblock" == "plain" } {
+                                               set hl [exec -keepnewline -ignorestderr enscript --color=1 -whtml -o - << $code 2>/dev/null]
+                                       } else {
+                                               set hl [exec -keepnewline -ignorestderr enscript --color=1 -whtml -o - -E$codeblock << $code 2>/dev/null]
+                                       }
+                                       regexp -- {<PRE>.+</PRE>} "$hl" line
+                                       set result(body) "$result(body)$line"
+                                       set codeblock ""
+                                       break
+                               } else {
+                                       set code "$code$line\n"
+                               }
+                       } elseif { [string length "$line"] == 0 } {
+                               incr blank
+                               if { $blank == 2 } {
+                                       set result(body) "$result(body)\n<br>"
+                                       set blank 0
+                               }
+                       } else {
+                               set blank 1
+                               set line "[regsub -all {\*\*\*(.+)\*\*\*} "$line" {<i><b>\1</b></i>}]"
+                               set line "[regsub -all {\*\*(.+)\*\*} "$line" {<b>\1</b>}]"
+                               set line "[regsub -all {\*(.+)\*} "$line" {<i>\1</i>}]"
+                               while 1 {
+                                       if { [regexp -- {```} "$line"] } {
+                                               if { $codeblock == "" } {
+                                                       regexp -- {```([a-zA-Z\-]+)?} "$line" -> codeblock
+                                                       if { $codeblock == "" } {
+                                                               set codeblock "plain"
+                                                       }
+                                                       set line "[regsub {```([a-zA-Z\-]+)?} "$line" ""]"
+                                                       set code ""
+                                               }
+                                       } else {
+                                               break
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               set line "[regsub -all {\`([^`]+)\`} "$line" {<code>\1</code>}]"
+                               set line "[regsub -all {\!\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^\)]+)\)} "$line" {<img src="\2" alt="\1">}]"
+                               set line "[regsub -all {\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^\)]+)\)} "$line" {<a href="\2">\1</a>}]"
+                               if { [regexp -- {^#+ } "$line" ] } {
+                                       regexp -- {^(#+) } "$line" -> hashes
+                                       set n [string length "$hashes"]
+                                       set link ""
+                                       set name ""
+                                       if { $n == 1 } {
+                                               if { [regexp -- {^(.+) \{([^\}]+)\}$} "[regsub {^(#+) } "$line" {}]" -> pagetitle genre] } {
+                                                       set result(genre) "$genre"
+                                               } elseif { [regexp -- {^(.+)$} "[regsub {^(#+) } "$line" {}]" -> pagetitle] } {
+                                               }
+                                               set result(title) "$pagetitle - $title"
+                                               set name "$pagetitle"
+                                       } else {
+                                               if { $has_h2 == 0 } {
+                                                       set result(body) "$result(body)\n<div id=\"\shift\">"
+                                               }
+                                               set has_h2 1
+                                               set result(toc) "$result(toc)<a href=\"#TOC-[regsub -all { } "[regsub {^(#+) } "$line" {}]" "-"]\">[regsub {^(#+) } "$line" {}]</a><br>"
+                                               set link "<a href=\"#TOC-[regsub -all { } "[regsub {^(#+) } "$line" {}]" "-"]\">#</a>"
+                                               set name [regsub {^(#+) } "$line" {}]
+                                       }
+                                       set line "<h$n id=\"TOC-[regsub -all { } "$name" "-"]\">$link $name</h$n>"
+                               }
+                               if { [regexp -- {\\$} "$line" ] } {
+                                       set line "[regsub {\\$} "$line" {<br>}]"
+                               }
+                               set result(body) "$result(body)$line"
+                       }
+                       break
+               }
+       }
+       if { $has_h2 == 1 } {
+               set result(body) "$result(body)\n</div>"
+       }
+       close $fid
+proc rescan {path dots} {
+       global output_directory input_directory icon genre_list
+       foreach name [glob -tails -nocomplain -directory "$input_directory/$path" *] {
+               if { [file type "$input_directory/$path/$name"] == "directory" } {
+                       file mkdir "$output_directory/$path/$name"
+                       rescan "$path/$name" "$dots../"
+               } elseif { "$path" == "" } {
+                       puts "Putting the file on the top-level directory is illegal"
+                       exit 1
+               } elseif { "[file extension "$input_directory/$path/$name"]" == ".md" } {
+                       puts "* $path/$name"
+                       array set result {}
+                       parse_markdown "$input_directory/$path/$name" result
+                       set esc "[regsub -all { } "$result(genre)" _]"
+                       set name "genre_$esc"
+                       global $name
+                       if { [lsearch $genre_list "$esc"] == -1 } {
+                               lappend genre_list "$esc"
+                       }
+                       lappend "$name" "$path" "$result(title)";
+                       set outfid [open "$output_directory/$path/index.html" "w"]
+                       if { "$icon" != "" } {
+                               set result(toc) "<a href=\"$dots\"><img src=\"$dots/[file tail "$icon"]\" alt=\"logo\"></a><br>$result(toc)"
+                       }
+                       start_html $outfid "$result(title)" "$result(toc)" "$dots"
+                       puts $outfid "$result(body)"
+                       end_html $outfid
+                       close $outfid
+               }
+       }
+file mkdir "$output_directory"
+rescan "" ""
+if { "$icon" != "" } {
+       file copy -force "$icon" "$output_directory/[file tail "$icon"]"
+set fid [open "$output_directory/style.css" "w"]
+set COLOR_PURPLE "#600060"
+set COLOR_WHITE "#ffffff"
+set COLOR_GRAY "#c0c0c0"
+set COLOR_DARKGRAY "#808080"
+set COLOR_LIGHTGRAY "#f0f0f0"
+set COLOR_VISITED "#a0a0a0"
+set COLOR_LINK "#8080f0"
+puts $fid "#title {"
+puts $fid "    font-size: 30px;"
+puts $fid "    font-family: sans-serif;"
+puts $fid "    background-color: $COLOR_TEXT;"
+puts $fid "    color: $COLOR_BG;"
+puts $fid "    padding: 5px 0;"
+puts $fid "    padding-right: 25%;"
+puts $fid "    text-align: right;"
+puts $fid "}"
+puts $fid "html {"
+puts $fid "    color: $COLOR_TEXT;"
+puts $fid "    font-family: sans-serif;"
+puts $fid "}"
+puts $fid "a {"
+puts $fid "    color: $COLOR_LINK;"
+puts $fid "}"
+puts $fid "a:visited {"
+puts $fid "    color: $COLOR_VISITED;"
+puts $fid "}"
+puts $fid "h1 {"
+puts $fid "    font-size: 30px;"
+puts $fid "    font-family: sans-serif;"
+puts $fid "    padding: 5px;"
+puts $fid "    text-align: left;"
+puts $fid "    border: solid 1px $COLOR_TEXT;"
+puts $fid "}"
+puts $fid "#toc {"
+puts $fid "    float: right;"
+puts $fid "    width: 13em;"
+puts $fid "    background-color: $COLOR_LIGHTGRAY;"
+puts $fid "}"
+puts $fid "pre {"
+puts $fid "    background-color: $COLOR_LIGHTGRAY;"
+puts $fid "    padding: 10px;"
+puts $fid "}"
+puts $fid "img {"
+puts $fid "    border: none;"
+puts $fid "}"
+puts $fid "code {"
+puts $fid "    background-color: $COLOR_LIGHTGRAY;"
+puts $fid "    padding: 0px 5px;"
+puts $fid "}"
+puts $fid "#docinside {"
+puts $fid "    padding-right: 14em;"
+puts $fid "}"
+puts $fid "#tocinside {"
+puts $fid "    padding: 5px;"
+puts $fid "}"
+puts $fid "#shift {"
+puts $fid "    padding-left: 30px;"
+puts $fid "}"
+puts $fid "hr {"
+puts $fid "    border: solid 1px $COLOR_TEXT;"
+puts $fid "}"
+puts $fid "h2 {"
+puts $fid "    font-size: 20px;"
+puts $fid "    font-family: sans-serif;"
+puts $fid "    background-color: $COLOR_TEXT;"
+puts $fid "    color: $COLOR_BG;"
+puts $fid "    padding: 5px 0;"
+puts $fid "    padding-left: 20px;"
+puts $fid "    text-align: left;"
+puts $fid "}"
+puts $fid "h3 {"
+puts $fid "    font-size: 15px;"
+puts $fid "    font-family: sans-serif;"
+puts $fid "    background-color: $COLOR_LIGHTGRAY;"
+puts $fid "    color: $COLOR_TEXT;"
+puts $fid "    padding: 5px 0;"
+puts $fid "    padding-left: 10px;"
+puts $fid "    text-align: left;"
+puts $fid "}"
+close $fid
+set outfid [open "$output_directory/index.html" "w"]
+start_html $outfid "$title" "" "./"
+puts $outfid "<h1>$title Documentation</h1>"
+foreach genre $genre_list {
+       set name "genre_$genre"
+       puts $outfid "<h3>[regsub -all {_} "$genre" " "]</h3>"
+       foreach {k v} [set $name] {
+               puts $outfid "<a href=\".$k\">$v</a><br>"
+       }
+end_html $outfid
+close $outfid
diff --git a/example/docgen.conf b/example/docgen.conf
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d6dd20b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# vim: syntax=tcl
+set input_directory "input"
+set output_directory "output"
+set title "Example Project"
+set icon "icon.png"
+set footer "Some good footer"
+set links "<a href=\"http://nishi.boats\">nishi.boats</a>"
diff --git a/example/icon.png b/example/icon.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..fa8a162
Binary files /dev/null and b/example/icon.png differ
diff --git a/example/input/getstarted/index.md b/example/input/getstarted/index.md
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b37d843
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Getting Started {User Guide}
+blah blah blah blah
+## Download
+blah blah blah.\
+*BLAH* **BLAH** ***BLAH***
+## Build
+blah blah blah.
+## Install
+blah blah: `blah blah`
+int main(){
+       printf("Hello, world!\n");
+## Links
diff --git a/example/input/getstarted2/getstarted3/index.md b/example/input/getstarted2/getstarted3/index.md
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3d7f617
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Getting Started 3 {User Guide}
+blah blah blah blah
+## Download
+blah blah blah.\
+*BLAH* **BLAH** ***BLAH***
+## Build
+blah blah blah.
+## Install
+blah blah: `blah blah`
+int main(){
+       printf("Hello, world!\n");
+## Links
diff --git a/example/input/getstarted2/index.md b/example/input/getstarted2/index.md
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9278716
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Getting Started 2 {User Guide}
+blah blah blah blah
+## Download
+blah blah blah.\
+*BLAH* **BLAH** ***BLAH***
+## Build
+blah blah blah.
+## Install
+blah blah: `blah blah`
+int main(){
+       printf("Hello, world!\n");
+## Links