/* $Id$ */ #define SOURCE #include "tw_config.h" #include "tw_module.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct tw_config config; struct tw_config_entry* tw_vhost_match(const char* name, int port) { int i; for(i = 0; i < config.vhost_count; i++) { if(strcmp(config.vhosts[i].name, name) == 0 && (config.vhosts[i].port == -1 ? 1 : config.vhosts[i].port == port)) { return &config.vhosts[i]; } } return &config.root; } void tw_config_init(void) { int i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_PORTS + 1; i++) { config.ports[i] = -1; } for(i = 0; i < MAX_VHOSTS; i++) { config.vhosts[i].sslkey = NULL; config.vhosts[i].sslcert = NULL; } config.root.sslkey = NULL; config.root.sslcert = NULL; config.vhost_count = 0; config.server_root = cm_strdup(PREFIX); gethostname(config.hostname, 1024); } int tw_config_read(const char* path) { cm_log("Config", "Reading %s", path); char cbuf[2]; cbuf[1] = 0; int ln = 0; FILE* f = fopen(path, "r"); if(f != NULL) { char* line = malloc(1); line[0] = 0; int stop = 0; struct tw_config_entry* current = &config.root; char* vhost = NULL; while(stop == 0) { int c = fread(cbuf, 1, 1, f); if(cbuf[0] == '\n' || c <= 0) { ln++; char* l = cm_trim(line); if(strlen(l) > 0 && l[0] != '#') { char** r = cm_split(l, " \t"); int i; if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "Include") || cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "IncludeOptional")) { for(i = 1; r[i] != NULL; i++) { if(tw_config_read(r[i]) != 0 && cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "Include")) { stop = 1; break; } } } else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "BeginVirtualHost")) { if(vhost != NULL) { cm_log("Config", "Already in virtual host section at line %d", ln); stop = 1; } else { if(r[1] == NULL) { cm_log("Config", "Missing virtual host at line %d", ln); stop = 1; } else { vhost = cm_strdup(r[1]); current = &config.vhosts[config.vhost_count++]; int i; current->name = cm_strdup(vhost); current->port = -1; for(i = 0; vhost[i] != 0; i++) { if(vhost[i] == ':') { current->name[i] = 0; current->port = atoi(current->name + i + 1); break; } } } } } else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "EndVirtualHost")) { if(vhost == NULL) { cm_log("Config", "Not in virtual host section at line %d", ln); stop = 1; } else { free(vhost); vhost = NULL; current = &config.root; } } else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "Listen") || cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "ListenSSL")) { for(i = 1; r[i] != NULL; i++) { uint64_t port = atoi(r[i]); cm_log("Config", "Going to listen at port %d%s", (int)port, cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "ListenSSL") ? " with SSL" : ""); if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "ListenSSL")) port |= (1ULL << 32); int j; for(j = 0; config.ports[j] != -1; j++) ; config.ports[j] = port; } } else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "SSLKey")) { if(r[1] == NULL) { cm_log("Config", "Missing path at line %d", ln); stop = 1; } else { if(current->sslkey != NULL) free(current->sslkey); current->sslkey = cm_strdup(r[1]); } } else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "SSLCertificate")) { if(r[1] == NULL) { cm_log("Config", "Missing path at line %d", ln); stop = 1; } else { if(current->sslcert != NULL) free(current->sslcert); current->sslcert = cm_strdup(r[1]); } } else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "ServerRoot")) { if(r[1] == NULL) { cm_log("Config", "Missing path at line %d", ln); stop = 1; } else { if(config.server_root != NULL) free(config.server_root); config.server_root = cm_strdup(r[1]); } } else if(cm_strcaseequ(r[0], "LoadModule")) { for(i = 1; r[i] != NULL; i++) { void* mod = tw_module_load(r[i]); if(mod != NULL) { if(tw_module_init(mod) != 0) { stop = 1; break; } } else { stop = 1; break; } } } else { if(r[0] != NULL) { cm_log("Config", "Unknown directive `%s' at line %d", r[0], ln); } stop = 1; } for(i = 0; r[i] != NULL; i++) free(r[i]); free(r); } free(l); free(line); line = malloc(1); line[0] = 0; if(c <= 0) break; } else if(cbuf[0] != '\r') { char* tmp = line; line = cm_strcat(tmp, cbuf); free(tmp); } } free(line); fclose(f); return stop; } else { cm_log("Config", "Could not open the file"); return 1; } }